well woman clinic
There are many benefits to a Well woman check-up whether you are healthy or have a history of medical conditions. A thorough check-up can catch early signs of illness, help reverse the path to type II diabetes and heart disease and prevent a wide range of illnesses.
We don’t believe in one size fits all, so the examination is tailored to you as an individual and all tests are clinically indicated and discussed between you and your doctor. These indications may relate to current symptoms or family history.
comprehensive well woman medicals include:
- Full physical check-up
- Full blood profile including haematology, thyroid and vitamin D level
- Lifestyle and health recommendations
- Breast examination
optional / as required:
- Cervical smear
- Sexual health screen
- Hormone screening
- All other clinically indicated tests
You will see an experienced doctor and we will provide you with your results, a detailed written report and the doctor’s recommendations on how to manage any medical or lifestyle issues in the immediate and longer term within one week.